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Specialist referral response times
Willow avatar
Written by Willow
Updated over a week ago

It can take several weeks for the specialist to accept or decline your referral and to provide an update regarding an appointment time.

Maple’s team cannot influence timelines for a specialist to accept your referral or to provide an appointment. Specialists have existing wait lists and triage new patients based on the urgency and seriousness of clinical conditions. It is solely up to the specialist and their office to review the referral before determining whether they will accept it.

If the referral is declined, we will attempt to find another specialist to re-issue it — we aim to do this within 7 business days. Once your referral is accepted, you’ll be contacted directly with your appointment date and time. We’ll also be sure to contact you directly with additional updates or questions about your referral.

If you have not received a response, you may follow up with the specialist in four weeks. The contact information for the specialist is available on your Maple account. Simply locate the referral on your Maple dashboard (the main page when you log in) and open it from there.

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