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Adding medical records to your health profile in a consultation
Adding medical records to your health profile in a consultation

Step-by-step instructions to add new information to your health profile while in a consultation.

Myera F avatar
Written by Myera F
Updated over a week ago

Your health profile helps providers understand your health history. Fill it out once, and any future providers you consult will be able to review this information.

If you're interested in uploading photos or documents to only a single consultation, check out Uploading photos and documents to your consultation.

Web Browser

1. In the consultation, click Health profile.

2. Scroll down until you reach the option you would like to use.

3. There is a button to add an assessment, and a button to add a test. Select whichever one applies to you and fill out the relevant fields.

For more details on how to fill out these sections, refer to Completing your Health profile on Maple.

In the consultation, click Health profile.

Select whichever one applies to you.

Mobile app

  1. In the consultation, click on the 3 bars in the top right-hand corner of the screen.

  2. There are 2 options. Select the one that applies to you.

    • Consultation files: To add a file only to the consultation

    • Health profile: To update or add files to your health profile

For more details on how to complete your Health profile, see Completing your Health profile on Maple.

Click on the 3 bars in the top right-hand corner of the screen.

Select Health profile.

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